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Hitec HS-7954SH 2S LiPo 29kg 0.12s

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Hitec Servoer
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kr 1.449,-
VareID: 18926, Produktnr: 5-37954S
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Kraftig servo fra Hitec som kan brukes direkte på 2S LiPo. Servoen er ekstremt sterk og rask og drar hele 29kg på 0,12sek ved 7,4V. Servoen har coreless-motor og er utstyrt med doble kulelager. Servoen har metallgir og passer veldig bra til store modellfly.

The HS-7954SH could be considered the most economical high voltage, high torque, coreless servo on the market. Based on the ultra popular HS-7955TG, the HS-7954SH has the added benefit of our high voltage coreless motor. With 403 inch ounce of torque at 7.4 volts, the HS-7954SH is fast too with a 0.12 second transit time when operating on a 2 cell LiPo pack. The HS-7954SH harnesses all this power by utilizing a heavy duty case that incorporates an aluminum heat sink, hardened steel gears, and two strong steel gear pins nested in brass axial bushings. Put it all together and you get one tough high voltage servo at a price that cant be beat.
  • G2 Digital Circuit
  • HV Coreless Motor
  • Dual Ball Bearing Supported Output Shaft
  • Steel Gear Train (MK first gear)

    Programmable Features Include:
  • Dead Band Width
  • Direction of Rotation
  • Speed of Rotation (slower)
  • End Points
  • Neutral Points
  • Fail Safe On/Off
  • Fail Safe Point
  • Resolution* (default is high resolution)
  • Overload Protection* (default is off)
  • *These features are only programmable with the HFP-20 field programmer.

  • Motor Type: Coreless
  • Bearing Type: Dual Ball Bearing
  • Speed (6.0V/7.4V): 0.15 / 0.12
  • Torque oz./in. (6.0V/7.4V): 333 / 403
  • Torque kg./cm. (6.0V/7.4V): 24.0 / 29.0
  • Size in Inches: 1.57 x 0.78 x 1.45
  • Size in Millimeters: 39.88 x 19.81 x 36.83
  • Weight oz.: 2.30
  • Weight g.: 65.20
  • Produktanmeldelser

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