1:8 skala
Flotte skaladetaljer
79cm lang!
På tidlig 1960 tallet bestemte Nando Dell´Orto seg for å innstallere en tolvsylindret Ferrari motor i et båtskrog designet av "Timossi Shipyards". Motoren ble preparert av Rinaldo Tinarelli, bedre kjent som "the wizard". Båtskroget var både sterkt og fleksibelt for å taklet påkjenningen. Denne Special Edition utgaven kommer med ferdiglaget glassfiber skrog og ferdigplanket. I tillegg har båten flere flott forkrommet messingdetaljer.
Product details in english
In the early sixties, Nando Dell´Orto the famous powerboat racer, decided to mount a 12 cylinder Ferrari engine on a 3 point hull designed by the Timossi shipyards for the 800 kg inboard class and built in 1953. the engine was specially prepared by Rinaldo Tinarelli, better known as "the wizard". The hull structure, with solid wood formers and marine ply skin, was both flexible and strong enough to withstand the stresses of racing. The engine fairing and tail fin, painted Ferrari red with the famous prancing horse logo, soon became synonyms for sheer power.
Code: 1610
Scale: 1:8
Length: 79 cm
Mer info på Engelsk