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AZURE 715mm Pro Rotorblader Helikopter

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kr 1.995,-
VareID: 64289, Produktnr: 102715
Tips en venn


Her leverer Azure ett sett med rotorblader for helikopter. Bladene er i karbon og designet for ekstrem 3D. De har ypperlig tyngdepunkt of design på vingetip som gir høy effektivitet og lav støy.
Tykkelse grep12mm, og det følger med shims i tillegg
Diameter festehull4mm
Product details in english
Unique blade design and outstanding performance
Azure Main blade series features a unique design that has been carefully and repeatedly tested to position the perfect propeller center of gravity. The excellent center of gravity increases flight stability while providing fast pitch response and precise control. In addition, the optimized design of the tip contour has been given special attention and lowers overall noise levels. This new tip reduces energy loss and reduces the speed changes when loaded. This means overall efficiency has been improved.

Flawless design for a superior flight experience and feel
The blade design features a non-uniform chord width across the entire blade. Combined with a unique airfoil, these aspects provide improved flight performance and smooth control. The new Azure Main blades will unleash the full potential of your helicopter.
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