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MPX-723470 Aero-tow Coupling

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723470 Aero-tow Coupling
Product details in english
A simple, reliable and elegant method of connecting the aero-tow cable to the nose ofa glider for aero-towing. The principle has been popular for years; just attach a loop ofthin nylon cord to the towline - nothing extra is required which could easily get lost atthe fl ying fi eld. To operate the release all you need is a low-cost standard servo anda length of 1.2 mm Ø steel rod running in a snake outer sleeve. The housing is madeof eloxided aluminium, and the unit is simply glued in the extreme nose of the gliderusing thickened epoxy. Hole required: 10 / 12 mm Ø, length 25 mm.
Mer info på Engelsk
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