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SkyRC Toro X8T Brushless Motor 1/8 2250KV

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Børsteløs motor for 1/8 biler. Denne 2250KV motoren kan brukes på monster, buggy og asfaltbiler.

A new 6-pole sensorless brushless motor for 1/8 truggy/monster (and buggy) cars. The truggy motor has a 10 mm longer magnet that gives you more power and more torque that is manly used for heavier truggy or monster-truck cars but it works also in buggy cars if you need more power.
Use it with f.ex the Toro 8 ESC.
  • Rec: 4-cell LiPo (max 20V)
  • KV2250
  • Load: max 125A (max 2500W)
  • Length: 74 mm
  • Dia: 42.8 mm
  • Weight: 435 g
  • Pinion shaft: 5 mm
  • 12AWG super-flex cables 23cm
  • Resistance: 0,0073ohm
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