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Hitec HS-75BB Retract servo 8.2kg/0.34sek

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Hitec Servoer
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kr 419,-
VareID: 2085, Produktnr: 5-31075
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Hitec HS 75BB Retract servo
With its low profile design, strong torque and precision movement the HS-75BB is a great choice to move your retract gear in the realistic manner that you want it to. Note, this is a retract or ?bang bang? servo and only travels from one end to the other (180 degrees.) If you require a proportional servo this size, use the Hitec HS-77BB.
  • Size : 44 x 23 x 25 mm
  • Weight : 35 g.
  • Torque 4.8/6.0v : 6.6 / 8.2 kg.
  • Speed 4.8/6.0v : 0.45 / 0.34 Second
  • Produktanmeldelser

    Hitec HS-75BB Retract servo 8.2kg/0.34sek
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