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Artesania Latina - Mikroformer No.2

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kr 125,-
VareID: 39965, Produktnr: 27301
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Inneholder 3 maler med 15-16 forskjellige profiler.
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Product details in english
These Micro Shapers B are the perfect tool for molding all kinds of miniatures: boats, buildings, dollhouses... 2 different sets of micro shapers (sold separately A and B) that belongs to the Micro Tools Collection: each one has 3 plates with 15/16 different shapes per plate. The tool works by drawing the shape along a strip of wood or plastic.

The Micro Shapers B are a unique tool in high quality stainless steel designed by the technical team of Artesanía Latina. It belongs to the Micro Tools Collection.
This set of micro shapers B allows you to shape / profile wooden and plastic strips. It is perfect for creating moldings with different shapes to decorate their models.
Each set consists of three plates with about 15/16 shapes per plate, so you can get more than 45 different reliefs and designs on your miniatures.
The tool works by scrapping the shape along and over a wooden or platic strip. You can watch video tutorial below.

The measures you can find in the Micro Shapers type B are:
  • 0.059x0.118 (1,5x3 mm)
  • 0.059x0.157 (1,5x4 mm)
  • 0.059x0.196 (1,5x5 mm)
  • 0.078x0.118 (2x3 mm)
  • 0.118x0.118 (3x3 mm)
  • 0.078x0.196 (3x5 mm)
  • 0.196x0.196 (5x5 mm)

  • NOTE: Before using the micro shaper, a sandpaper should be used to eliminate burrs, rough edges or small irregularities. To do this, slide smoothly in one direction, upwards.
    Mer info på Engelsk
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