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Immersion Rapidfire FatShark Modul

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FPV Race Videolink
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kr 2.449,-
VareID: 40255, Produktnr: RFIRE01
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Immersion RC leverer her en Dual Diversity-mottakermodul for FatShark-briller.
Det følger med cover som passer til FatShark Dominator-serien.
Product details in english
The rapidFIRE technology the rapidFIRE module is named after fuses together the images from two 5.8GHz A/V receiver modules into one beautiful, interference-free image. Tearing and rolling are eliminated and our advanced noise-detection algorithms guarantee a clean and stable image at all times. The rapidFIRE module is optimized for use in environments with multi-path interference such as indoor racing, flying in abandoned buildings etc. but also offers superb sensitivity and selectivity outdoors and for long range use. The rapidFIRE module is compatible with all Dominator LCD goggles including V1, V2, V3, SE, HD1, HD2, HD3, HDO. To guarantee this compatibility is ships with injection molded and beautifully painted module bay door for Dominator goggles. For Attitude and HDO goggles, the module is plug and play. For others, an included headtracker-bay aux power board, with flat-flex cable, is included which is recommended to be used for best results.As expected from ImmersionRC weve future-proofed the rapidFIRE module by equipping it with an USB port, allowing future firmware updates and the adding of new features through our Vortex configuration app.The rapidFIRE module enables easy menu navigation by means of a 5-way joystick which is used to scroll around the menus that are displayed on a responsive OLED display on the outside of the module, with feedback of critical parameters displayed on the OSD.

Key features included are a built-in spectrum analyzer, favorite channels with live single-channel spectrum display for manual tuning, band scanning and many, many more.

When used to time races, the rapidFIRE technology eliminates dropped frames from the FatShark DVR. Finally DVR footage can reliable be compared for photo-finishes.

width: 11cm
length: 8.5cm
height: 3.5cm
weight: 0.08kg
Mer info på Engelsk


Veldig fornøyd!
Bruker ga kun karakter
14.10.2018 av Magnus13
Bruker denne med TBS oblivion og Fatshark HD3. TBS Triumph + Immersion RC patch. Utmerket signal.
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08.10.2018 av Michael
Jag har tidigare använt furious true-d och måste säga att efter att ha flugit ca 20 laddningar att rapidfire är bättre inte så att true-d är dåliga men har lite bättre bild och definitivt mindre blackout när man flyger bakom träd hus och andra hinder, det blir brus och störningar men det går att flyga upp till bra täckning igen istället för statiskt brus kan man fortfarande antyda konturer och på så sätt undviks katastrof.. Sen är den röda plastkåpan mycket snyggare och bygget över lag av mycket bra kvalité... Använder dom tillsammans med fatshark hdo
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blir ikke bedre
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17.06.2019 av Karl Magnus Myrvold
har ikke sett så bra fpv feed. vet når eg "begynner" å nå grensen til linken, alt blir svart hvit men har perfekt bilde. :D
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