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VQ Cessna 208 Grand Caravan Airliner 1.7m EP/GP

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kr 2.695,-
3595| 3.595,-
VareID: 53434, Produktnr: VQA155AL/VQA155US
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Balsa og Plywood
VQ Cessna 208 Grand Caravan Airliner, leveres som ARF ferdig med betrekning, klar for montering av elektronikk og motor.
Anbefalt motor55 (2 stroke) / 72-82 (4 stroke) / 55 size elektromotor
FargeDesign: Southern Airway / Farge: Hvit, blå og gul
PropellAvhenger av oppsett
Model size50 size

Eskens innhold
  • Assembly instructions with stage photos
  • Scale plastic nose gear
  • Fiberglass cowling
  • 2 x 3D Printing Painted pilot
  • 2 x 3D Printing Airliner scale seat
  • Wheels
  • Painted Aluminium landing gear
  • Engine mounts and Ply wood motor mount
  • Fuel tank
  • Aluminimum wing joiner
  • Decals and all hardware

  • Nødvendig tilbehør
  • Radio og mottaker med 6+ kanaler
  • Motor: Elektromotor kompatibelt tili resterende oppsett (50 size el-motor)
  • Servo: 7
  • Mottakerbatteri og kompatibel lader (LiPo 4s 4500-5500mah som drvbatteri ved bruk av elektrisk oppsett)
  • Kompatibel ESC (kun til Elektro oppsett)
  • Diverse lim

  • Husk!
    2 x standard servo for Elevator / Ruuder , 4x19 grams servo Aileron / Flap , 1 x 19 grams servo for throttle
    Product details in english
    The Cessna 208 Caravan is a utility aircraft produced by Cessna. The project was commenced on November 20, 1981, and the prototype first flew on December 9, 1982. The production model was certified by the FAA in October 1984 and its Cargomaster freighter variant was developed for FedEx. The 4 ft (1.2 m) longer 208B Super Cargomaster first flew in 1986 and was developed into the passenger 208B Grand Caravan.

    The strutted, high wing 208 typically seats nine passengers in its unpressurized cabin, is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A tractor turboprop and has a fixed tricycle landing gear, floats or skis. By November 2017, 2,600 have been delivered and 20 million flight hours logged. Caravans are used for flight training, commuter airlines, VIP transport, air cargo and humanitarian missions.

    Now , VQ Introduce the Cessna 208 Caravan 55size EP-GP as a super scale series ( 3S) . This Cessna 208 Caravan come with 2 scale flap , 2 x 3D printing painted pilots , 2 x 3D printing Scale Airliner seats , Scale cockpit , antena . Also with 2x pilot?s doors can open-close will make your Caravan look like a real one .

    With the big battery hatch , you can use both Electric motor or Nitro engine.

    As an option , the Navigation light and Landing light with 2x Super led light ( VQA-L) are a good choise for this Caravan ,It make this Cessna - 208 Caravan become one of the best Balsa sacle Civilian 50 size in the market .
    Mer info på Engelsk


    BRA !!
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    23.09.2021 av Åge
    Mitt første VQ fly,,,dette ser meget bra ut. Flott finish, mange fine detaljer. Ekstremt godt embalert.
    Dette hjalp meg 8 3
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