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UHU Universal Lim 45ml

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Byggesett Lim
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kr 59,-
VareID: 55384, Produktnr: UHU840579
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UHU Universal Lim 45ml er et transparent, mykt og sterkt lim som passer til liming av synlige og transparente objekter. Limet er også UV-resisteng og kan bli brukt til å fikse ting som kommer i kontakt med olje, vann o.l.
Product details in english
UHU All Purpose Power transparent, the transparent, fast and powerful universal adhesive with execptional bonding strength in the special, soft, handy and unbreakable Flex+Clean plastic tube. Particularly suitable for visible and transparent assemblies. Can be used in single-side bonds (wet bonding) or in dual-side bonds (contact bonding). The adhesive film remains elastic, is U.V. resistant, and does not become brittle. Suitable for use with both rigid and flexible materials (particularly flexible PVC such as pond liners), not for Styropor®. Can also be used under water. Resistant to water, oil, grease, dilute acids, alkalis and alcohol.

UHU por is a quick-setting special adhesive for bonding expanded polysterene, e.g. Styropor also in combination with other materials. It forms an elastic adhesive film which is highly resistant to age, colorless and waterproof.

  • Quick-setting special adhesive for bonding hard foam such as Styrofoam, also in combination with other materials
  • The elastic adhesive film is colourless, non-ageing, and waterproof

  • Materials
    Glue expanded Styrofoam also in combination with other materials, e.g. wood, paper, metal, ceramic, plaster, fabric and various plastics. Also for photos.

    Use and Handling Instructions
    Apply adhesive to both parts and let dry. Once dry to the touch (after approx. 10 minutes) press together very firmly for a short time being careful not to damage the rigid foam film.

  • Tube/Blister - 40 g / 50 ml
  • Mer info på Engelsk

    Meget brannfarlig væske og damp. Gir alvorlig øyeirritasjon. Kan forårsake døsighet eller svimmelhet. Meget giftig, med langtidsvirkning, for liv i vann.
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