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Team Blacksheep FPVCycle Minimortal T Antenna

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kr 73,-
VareID: 56239, Produktnr: MiniMortal-T-Red
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Team Blacksheep FPVCycle Minimortal T Antenna er designet for bruk på toothpicks og andre mindre droner som krever en lettvektig antenne. Denne Minimortalen vil ha under halv rekkevidde av de større og tyngre antennene. Designet for 915mhz, men funker også med 868mhz. Fungerer godt i kombinasjon med TBS Crossfire Nano RX.
Wide Top Segment-55mm
TBS Crossfire Nano RXKompatibel
Product details in english
Crossfire is a beautiful protocol that is robust and reliable. They have spent endless dollars and hours refining this amazing protocol. This particular antenna design poops on all of that. BUT, We typically do not need to go 40km away. This antenna will NOT give you full range. In fact, on the 100mw baby Crossfire, we would not even recommend beyond 2km (even though we?ve gone FAR beyond that ourselves on 100mw).

The point of this antenna is to be light and easy to use. There is a PCB or sticker antenna product out there too but that is actually a little bigger and has specific requirements for how it should be used. The reason TBS went from the typical whip antenna to the Immortal T in the first place is because people were folding up and stringing the whip along the carbon arms of their frames. The Immortal T is great because it?s hard to screw up using it. Wherever you place it, you?ll at least get good performance. This antenna is like that. It?s got a short stem, low weight and wherever you put it, you?ll get at least acceptable performance. Give it just a little thought and effort to get it out of the path of radio obstructive bits and the performance is hard to tell apart from the full size Immortal T in short range use.
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